How Renovation Will Be Like Now That Circuit Breaker Is Over
Over the Circuit Breaker period, only renovations necessary for essential services relating to critical public infrastructure, national security, public safety, emergency repairs and services were allowed to continue. Unfortunately, not everyone was lucky enough to have their HDB or condo interior design renovation works completed prior to April 7. Be it if you were going through a bedroom renovation or renovating your entire home, homeowners were required to push back their plans or make do with a half-finished flat.
Now that we’ve just entered Phase 2, how can homeowners be better prepared as we move forward? With that, here are some ways renovation will differ now that Circuit Breaker is over.
Renovations can resume gradually
Once approved, the disrupted home renovation works for HDBs and private homes can resume in Phase 2 and will be prioritised, as mentioned by Building and Construction Authority (BCA). Although, the process of re-starting renovations will be gradual as plans for brand new renovations would also require the green light from BCA.
Ensuring a COVID-safe workplace
No matter what the project is, the most crucial factor in attaining BCA’s approval is if contractors can demonstrate their compliance in adhering to the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) Safe Management Measures and BCA’s COVID-Safe Restart Criteria, such as:
- The use of contact tracing app: TraceTogether
- Installation of SafeEntry at the worksite
- Staggered break times and teams, with each team restricted to working in a single zone. No cross-deployment among different teams from different worksites or shifts should occur.
- Emphasis on personal hygiene like wearing masks
- Construction Work Permit and S Pass holders involved in construction-related activities must attend BCA’s COVID-Safe Training for Workers in order to familiarise themselves with COVID-Safe measures before starting work.
For more information, you can refer to BCA’s and MOM’s websites.
Scarcity in resources
Due to the disrupted supply chain, interior designers might face some setbacks in sourcing for materials. Even factors like price changes and supply of materials highly depend on their suppliers. Although, you can predict a surge in price for materials like pre-packed plaster, depending on the demand. For now, it’s too early to tell but it’s good to know as we navigate through this new normal!
Further delays can be expected
The time needed to get projects approved by BCA and HDB, on top of labour and supply shortages can result in further renovation delays. Also, workers will then have to wait for BCA to arrange swab testing sessions for them before they can attend the COVID-Safe Training Workers course. Subcontractors would also have to apply for BCA’s approval independently.
Furthermore, mandated staggering of manpower is another factor that adds to the delay. To illustrate, if the painting team is on-site, the flooring team will have to wait for their turn since different jobs can’t occur concurrently at the same time.
Just because your renovation plans are on hold, doesn’t mean you can’t start planning for the future! So, for those who still need to renovate but have yet to find an interior designer, we recommend finding one now. Though getting the stamp of approval to start renovations might take a while, other things can still be settled in the meantime! This includes finalising your design plans, 3D drawings and quotations. Once all that is done, your interior designer will be able to get started on securing materials, contractors and more. In the meantime, look up for interior design inspirations to help firm up the concept for your luxury interior design home.
Any concerns about your renovation plans? Speak to our friendly designers at Thom Signature! We believe in going beyond not only to turn your dream home into a reality but also to guide you through the entire renovation process.
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