4 Creative Ways You Can Use Tiles To Decorate Your Home
Whenever one thinks about tiles, the very first thing that will conjure up in their head is an image of flooring tiles. Of course, it’s the norm but do you know you can put tiles into a creative use and utilise them elsewhere? In fact, go on and create an unconventional design with the tiles from when your house has yet gotten the condo or landed house renovation that you’ve always wanted.
Here are a few secret tips and tricks on some of the ways you can incorporate tiles to enhance the look of your interior.
Use Tiles to Make the Perfect Table Tops
Change the look of your living room with a little dash of colour and variety by adding a tile top! You can either choose to be subtle with it by placing it around the edges or commit and transform the entire table altogether.
You can opt for uniformed tiles that will ultimately be pleasing to the eye, or show your fun personality by pairing seemingly eclectic designs together. Another option is to work with broken pieces from your previous home and creatively put together a mosaic countertop as your very own masterpiece! Regardless of the type of aesthetic you wish to go for, ensure that there aren’t any cracks and to use plenty of adhesives.
Tiled Mirror Frames
Why settle for a plain ole regular mirror when you can snazz it up and make it stand out? Step up your interior design with just a simple trick: place the tiles around your mirror. This unconventional method will easily make your mirrors the focal point of the room, even more so if it’s well done. Depending on your preferences, you may want to use the same colour scheme as with the rest of the room or have it stick out by using a complementary colour scheme instead.
Tiled Living Room Walls
In the West, tiles are often put around the fireplace in the living room. They make excellent décor materials and complement other features in the room perfectly. But in this humid and hot weather all year round, fireplaces are not a common sight. Nonetheless, you can still go for the overall concept by perhaps, placing the tiles on the wall where your television is set up. Or, you can simply create an elegant display strip, giving your interior an extra layer of colour and design to otherwise a dull room. Have a talk to our luxury interior design firm consultants at Thom Signature on your options and we will be there to guide you on what suits your home the best.
Tiled Kitchen Backsplashes
Awe yourself and your guests by adding tiles into the vacant, and often lacklustre, space between the kitchen countertops and cabinets. Not only will it aesthetically pleasing, but it also serves a rather practical function! Unlike plain walls, having a backsplash allows you to clean and get rid of stains that will otherwise stick and seep into porous materials such as wood. If you wish to include this in your interior design package, you will need to discuss with interior designer on its feasibilities.
These few tips hope to provide you with some sort of inspiration on an unconventional use of common materials. Furthermore, it gives you a much more sustainable option, especially if you’re looking to use the tiles from your previous renovation.
In view of the global pandemic and circuit breaker extension, we will cease all physical operations until 1st June 2020, as of now. However, we would still like to serve you in any feasible means possible, which is why you can still contact us for an online design consultation via WhatsApp, video call or phone call. Let’s flatten the curve before attaining the dream house you’ve always wanted!
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