Adding Character To Your Kids’ Rooms
If you have plans to raise a family, you would like your child to be raised in an environment that is safe and cohesive for them. So how would you go about making your home as childproof as possible? Here are some interior design Singapore tips and tricks to help your home be a safe and childproof home for your children, so here we go:
Using perfectly mixed patterns

When it comes to utilising patterns to add a dash of pizazz to your child’s room, using a perfect mix of unique patterns and colours helps to turn any room into a true masterpiece! For instance, you could use a collection of children’s books and mix of myriad patterns to help compliment a youthful yet sophisticated interior design Singapore style that will enthuse your kids.
It’s always sunny!

A great interior design Singapore rule of thumb is to introduce natural lighting into your room to help compliment its design and provide a clear dynamic to the surroundings. When it comes to renovating your kids’ rooms, have their bed placed adjacent to the window so as to allow for sunlight to pour into the room without the glare affecting your little ones as they sleep. In addition, you can paint the wall at the head of your children’s bed a nice sky blue with some cloud decals to boot, this will help give off a sense of levity and calm when paired with the light of the sun, a great interior design Singapore combination!
Green up your surroundings

If you’re an environmentally-conscious parent who loves nature and wishes to impart your wisdom unto your kids, what better than to add a dash of green to your child’s bedroom? You can put your interior design Singapore skill-set to good use here by utilising certain shades of green to replicate a naturalised environment, replete with floral bedsheets with forest motifs and animal-shaped pillows and decals to create a forest full of different flora and fauna that will wow your kids. Talk about teaching your kids about the environment through the use of interior design Singapore tips and tricks!
Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677
Email: info@thomsignature.com.sg
H/T: Freshome

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