Designing Your Bathroom: DIY Ideas For Your Consideration
Redesigning your bathroom is always a difficult chore, and there are myriad elements that you have to consider, such as colour, textiles and surfaces, what materials you want to use, and the list goes on. Luckily for you avid readers, we have some rather ingenious DIY essentials that you’d like to consider the next time you wish to embellish your lavatory a little more to suit your needs. Here are some DIY essential ideas for your consideration the next time you design your bathroom:
Use panels in place of tiles

While using panels in place of tiles can be more costly, the benefits outweigh the exorbitant prices. For one, panels are fast becoming a popular interior design Singapore trend among more homeowners in place of traditional tiles, and they also require less cleaning and maintenance as well! Plus, if you use materials such as stone resin it can future proof your bathroom for as long as three decades (30 years) and it’s also hygienic.
Colour creates the (illusion of) space

Colour is more than just a visual interior design Singapore aesthetic, it plays an important role in bathroom design. Having a prominent colour scheme can play to your advantage, especially if you’re looking to maximise your bathroom space. For instance, using glossy finishes and light colour schemes in a bathroom’s design can help to create the illusion of space!
Use ‘faux’ marble

Rather than using the real deal which can be thoroughly expensive, using faux marble can be beneficial in a myriad of ways apart from the cost. For one, natural materials such marble, stone and granite can be a real nuisance to upkeep despite giving a bathroom added depth and character. Furthermore, marble is known to be prone to staining and is not fully water-resistant hence making it the least viable material to employ in your bathroom. Thankfully, faux marble surfaces have all of the interior design Singapore aesthetic features with none of the negatives and also come in different patterns and designs for your consideration!
Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
Address: 1 Irving Place, $05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677
Email: info@thomsignature.com.sg
H/T: House Beautiful UK

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