Things you should let your Interior Designer Know in advance (Pt.2)
We all have our dreams and ideas about how we envision our dream homes to be. Take the initiative to voice out these ideas, relevant considerations and requirements to your interior designer before they design something that may not meet your preferences and needs. Here is a list of information that your interior designer should be informed about before they do their magic on your home:
1. Superstitions and Fengshui Considerations
Fengshui and Interior Design Singapore often goes hand in hand for the more traditional homeowners. If you are particular about fengshui and superstitions, consult your fengshui master beforehand and let your interior designer know about the relevant details they need to take note such that they can incorporate these details in your design from the start.

2. Frequency of inviting guests over
Especially for those who tend to hang out in big groups, this factor will determine the kind of furniture chosen in Interior Design Singapore. To accommodate the large group of people, your interior designer will choose furniture that can be extended or easily moved as well as less bulky built-ins.

3. The kind of storage you need
Fashion lovers need a much bigger wardrobe space or even a walk-in closet, while toy collectors and bookworms would love for bookshelves for them to outwardly express their love with their collections.

4. Your preferred theme, concepts and styles
Voice out any preference you have in Interior Design Singapore- be it color, materials, textures and styles you have in mind. This allows the interior designer to have a better gauge and visualisation of the design that you love.

5. Specific Requirements
It’s good to let your interior designer know that you want a mahjong room or that your mom and your child will be sharing a room. It’s a lot easier to factor in these requirements in the early stages of planning and designing in Interior Design Singapore rather than after having a concrete design.

Interior Design Singapore:
For your customised interior
design solutions, please contact
Thom Signature Interior Design
1 Irving Place, #05-06
The Commerze @ Irving
Singapore 369546
Tel: +65-6524-9677
Email: info@thomsignature.com.sg
H/T Home&Decor

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